CI4+ 15W40

Carlio diesel engine oil, designed specifically for mining machinery, is produced using a blend of the finest base oils and additives across various grades. Positioned as a new and reliable solution, it is recommended for reducing production costs and increasing the efficiency of mining equipment This advanced formulation of engine oil not only ensures smooth lubrication but also provides resistance to the engine against high temperatures and damages resulting from demanding and heavy-duty operations. Furthermore, owing to its exceptional viscosity stability, it offers a lifespan that is at least double that of the regular grade when subjected to similar conditions.
This oil is specifically designed for machinery and equipment in the mining industry that operate under extremely heavy pressure. It offers significantly greater stability compared to regular oils, resulting in a longer lifespan. It effectively prevents engine damage and wear, making it well-suited for heavy-duty mining operations


Additional information


Density @ 15ºCD4052kg/m3885(±5)
Flash PointD92ºC225(±5)
Pour PointD97ºC-27(±3)
Viscosity @ 100ºCD445cSt15.5(±0.3)
Viscosity IndexD2270--150(±5)
TBND2896mg KOH/g11(±0.5)